I Mourn Today For The Yesterday I Never Created

What was the vision you held yesterday?

Is it your current reality?

Does it align with the idyllic life you once envisioned, complete with the perfect job, family, and a house adorned with a white picket fence?

Or, had life unfolded in a manner far removed from your aspirations?

If your dreams and goals are still unfilled, consider it a chance for a second go around. We all have dreams and aspirations, but circumstances or personal choices halt their ability to come into fruition. Should we choose to carry the weight of regret for unfulfilled ambitions, or should we express gratitude for the gift of life and the hopes of pursuing these goals with a new opportunity?

Sometimes, life may lead us down unexpected paths, deviating from our initial dreams that we thought were our only destination. However, it is pointless to dwell on "what ifs" and yearn for unfulfilled dreams.

Instead, choosing to embrace the opportunities that present themselves in different directions can lead to more meaningful impacts. In the face of biases and barriers beyond our control, it may be a necessary decision to pivot in another direction and let the universe be our guide. As Reinhold Niebuhr eloquently stated in the serenity prayer, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

What is your serenity prayer?


I Mind My Business and It Grows


Don’t Let Your Dream Follow Your Enemy